What The Democratic Voice Brings To The Conversation

Why are Faulkner county democrats important in nonpartisan positions?


Many members of our local government are elected by people like you, and me, but also by your neighbor with opposing views. And while county parties do not endorse individual candidates for these positions, we do endorse fair and inclusive representation within our local government . It is imperative that Democratic strategies and policies are considered where decisions are made, voted on, and implemented.  In recent years  there has been added pressure to vote solely along party lines in lieu of what’s right and good. This is why having balanced and inclusive representation is so important as they can directly impact your neighborhood, your school curriculum, your library programs, your emergency resources, infrastructure investments, community enrichment programs, public safety, workforce development, and climate adaptation and mitigation. 


Fun Fact: Candidates have won and/or  lost elections in Faulkner County by small numbers respectively. With  improved voter turnout it would be easy to challenge any campaign, support Democratic policy, and flip Faulkner County Blue! 


City of Conway elected officials

Certified list of Faulkner County Candidates for May 2022 Election

Conway Voting Maps


Other resources

State Government Organizational chart

History of Arkansas Politics- Encyclopedia of Arkansas: Politics and Government

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