How We Impact Candidates

It’s our job as constituents to promote democratic policies, from moderate to progressive, at all levels of government, and to fight for what is right. It can be hard in a state with a supermajority of Republicans in the General Assembly and other offices down the ballot, but progress IS achievable!

Communities as a whole elect candidates, but it’s our job to fight for Democratic candidates and policies at every point we can! We’re here to tell you how we can do it!! There are a few easy things you can do to boost a winning Democratic candidate’s campaign in your area. First, get to know their policies. They’ll be listed on their website.

Then REALLY boost them!

Follow them on social media. Like and share their posts. You would be amazed at the reach and influence you have. Introduce them to your family and friends, INVEST in their campaigns financially (because campaignin’ ain’t cheap!), but you can also attend candidates’ events, buy yard signs, volunteer, and most importantly- you can VOTE!

David Barber - State Senate
David Barber, candidate for Arkansas Senate, District 17

When you volunteer for a candidate, you are becoming an extension of their campaign. You can reach people that their campaign might have entirely looked over or missed! As a volunteer, there are three main things you can do: phone-bank, text-bank, and door-knock. Calling or texting on behalf of a candidate can bring that candidate’s name to someone neither you, nor the campaign, knows!

Door-Knocking is even more important, because if you can introduce a candidate to an undecided voter, the odds of them showing up to vote increases exponentially, and the odds they’ll vote for your candidate are higher too!

Remind them when you’re phone-banking or door-knocking, candidates are more than just their party – they’re policymakers too, and they have policies worth supporting. 

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